Bio-Well Skills-Building Webinar with John Steuernol

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WHO Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

WHAT Get access to the pre-recorded webinar and listen to Dr Korotkov discuss latest developments with the Bio-Well, the Sputnik: What it is, how to use it & his latest research with it, and open Q&A


WHO Dr. Michael Borkin & Tiffany Barsotti

WHAT Self Testing Supplements using the Bio-Well


WHO Dmitry Orlov & Tiffany Barsotti

WHAT Interpreting excess & deficient energy in the Bio-Well and what to do


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Bio-Well Skills-Building Webinar with John Steuernol

WHO Master Teacher of MFT, John Steuernol* & Tiffany Barsotti

WHAT Enhanced Wellness with Self Testing Energy Skill**

**Enhanced Wellness with Powerful Self Testing Energy Skill We will introduce you to a ’self-testing’ mechanism that John has perfected after 12 years of exploration and tweaking. He calls it Self Testing: Installing an Ideomotor Response. This is an amazing skill that will allow you to test and observe various energetic imbalances, energy changes, detect healing priorities, and more. Consider it a doorway to some of the most advanced self healing practices one might be exposed to.

This 3-hour workshop will be divided into 2 parts:

Part 1: Installing the response and starting to get reliable results
Part 2: Simple energetic balances you can detect in yourself, combined with simple techniques to correct those imbalances.

Uses: Detecting a specific chakra imbalance, under/over energized organ, meridian imbalance, and a whole lot more. Many of the corrective techniques have been taken from John’s studies of Eden Energy Medicine, in addition to many other modalities. He pulls content from close to 15 years of on-going energy medicine and energy psychology studies.

Come join us, and learn a powerful new skill and how to apply it in your everyday life. This skill is a doorway to learning even more advanced psycho-kinesiology studies!

*John Steuernol, Certified Bio-Well Practitioner, TFT Advanced And Other Energy Therapies and Creator of MindMending Therapeutic Dialogues

John is an advanced energy medicine practitioner having studied and applied various forms of energy healing for close to 15 years now. His studies have included Hypnosis, NLP, Eden Energy Medicine, Thought Field Therapy, Body Talk, Autonomic Response Testing (various levels); and Psycho-Kinesiology. Over the years he has learned how to weave these together into a process called MindMending Therapeutic Dialogue. John is not a doctor and does not diagnose, but thinks of himself as an energy intuitive.

Total due $97

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